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英文 慢速生活英语系列101:extreme sports Celeste: I’m so glad it’s Friday. Are you doing anything this weekend? Ryan: I’m going snowboarding with James. Celeste: Didn’t you guys go bungee jumping last weekend? Ryan: Yeah, and we plan to go cave diving in a couple of weeks. Celeste: I didn’t know you were into extreme sports. I guess it’s a big adrenaline rush. Ryan: It is. But for me, it’s about pushing myself to the limit. Celeste: Aren’t you afraid of getting hurt? Ryan: Sure. There’s always a danger of getting hurt, but we don’t do these sports competitively. It’s just for fun. I like trying new stunts and seeing how far we can push the boundaries of the sport. Do you want to come with us sometime? Celeste: Me? I’m not really the adventurous type. Ryan: You never know. You might like it. After cave diving, we’ll probably try climbing. Celeste: Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad. I’ve done some climbing before. Ryan: I should tell you that we plan on going ice climbing. Celeste: Oh. In that case, I think I’ll pass. Have fun this weekend. Ryan: Thanks and let me know if you change your mind. 中文 慢速生活英语系列101:极限运动 女:真高兴又到周五了,周末你有什么打算 男:我要与詹姆士去玩滑雪板 女:上周末你们几个是不是去蹦极了? 男:是呀,我们还打算几周后去玩峡谷蹦极呢 女:我还真不知道你们几个在玩极限运动。我想那一定是非常刺激吧 男:当然了,不地这对我来说,这是让自己挑战极限 女:你不怕受伤吗? 男:当然怕。受伤的危险总是会有的,但我们这么做不是为了竞赛,是为了娱乐。我喜欢尝试新的特技动作,看自己到底能玩到多酷。你想不想什么时候加入我们? 女:我? 我可不是那种爱冒险的人 男:也许你都不知道你会喜欢这种运动。等我们完成了峡谷蹦极,我们可能还会尝试攀登 女:噢,这个听起来还不错,我以前登过山 男:我应该说得更清楚些,是爬冰山 女:噢,要是这样,我还是算了吧。祝你们周末玩得愉快 男:多谢,什么时候改主意了,告诉我 英文 慢速生活英语系列102::a family road trip Our family decided to take a road trip across the country this year. The kids were really excited and my oldest son wanted to help navigate. Before the trip, we looked at the road maps and decided on our route and the points of interest we would try to see. Since we wouldn’t be taking a camper, we needed to make hotel reservations along the way. After a little planning, we were ready to go. The kids were behaving themselves the first day. My daughter


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