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Unit6 A words and expressions 1. firefighter n. [C] someone whose job is to make fires stop burning and help people to escape from other dangerous situations 消防队员 fireman n. [C] a man whose job is to stop fires burning 男消防员 firefighter fireman: some people think that fireman is a sexist term, and prefer the politically correct term firefighter. 2. raring a. very enthusiastic and eager to do sth. 急于做某事的;渴望做某事的 e.g. 1. She’s training hard and raring to run in the marathon. 她正在刻苦训练,渴望参加马拉松比赛。 2. She was raring to get back to her work.她急切希望重新工作。 3. bearing n. [C] an exact position, usually measured from north(通常从北方算起的)方位,方向 e.g. 1. The first thing is to learn to take a compass bearing第一件事就是学习辨别罗盘方向。 2. Follow the bearing to the next checkpoint.顺着这个方向到下一个检查点。 3. He is out of his bearings.他迷失方向了。 4. dent n. [C] a hollow area in the surface of sth., usually made by sth. hitting it 凹痕;凹坑 e.g. 1. There was a large dent in the passenger door.乘客座位那边的门上有一大块凹坑。 2. The front of the car has a dent in it. 小汽车的前面有一个凹痕。 3. The impact of the stones made little dents in the metal. 石头的撞击几乎没给金属留下什么凹痕。 5. racket n. [sing] (infml) a loud noise 吵闹声;喧嚷声 e.g. 1. The old machine used to make an awful racket. 这台旧机器以前噪声大得吓人。 2. The students kicked up no end of a racket in the street.这些学生在大街上大吵大闹。 3. Such a racket made me headache.这样的吵闹使我头痛。 6. tile n. [C] a flat square piece of baked clay or other material, used for covering walls, floors etc. 瓷砖;墙砖 e.g. 1. I entered the kitchen, with its old tile floor and its cherry wood cabinets. 我走进了厨房,里面是年月久远的瓷砖地面以及樱桃木材质的橱柜。 2. I’m laying ceramic floor tiles in the kitchen. 我正在给厨房的地板铺瓷砖。 7. scenario n. [C] a situation that could possibly happen 可能发生的事;可能出现的局面 e.g. Imagine a scenario where only 20% of people have a job. 设想一下这种情况,只有20%的人有工作。 possible / likely / plausible scenario:可能的情况 e.g. The most likely scenario is that Brooks will resign. 最可能出现的局面是布鲁克斯即将辞职。 8. berserk a. out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied 非常激动;


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