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《史学论文写作》之 外文参考文献的引用及标题、摘要和关键词等的翻译问题 一、国际上标注参考文献的几种不同模式 1. MLA格式——Modern Language Association (MLA,现代语言学会)所用的Works Cited模式 What is MLA? The Modern Language Association’s writing style is the leading means of documentation in the educational and literary world. The current MLA writing manual is the sixth edition. A new manual has been published about once every decade over the approximately fifty years of MLA style’s existence. 主要被应用在人文学科,如文学、比较文学、文学批评和文化研究等。 When is MLA used? The MLA writing style is often used by writers who are not required to use a particular writing style. How is MLA different? The MLA style focuses on citing information about the author of a research source. Who created a source is more significant than when it was published. Example: Last Name Page # Works Cited Book Author Last Name, Author First Name. Book Title. ed. Editor First Name Editor Last Name. City Published: Publisher, Year. Website Author Last Name, Author First Name. Site Title. ed. Editor First Name Last Name. Publication Day Month. Year. Accessed Day Month. Year. URL Address. Additional information may be found at the Modern Language Association website (/). 2. APA 格式——American Psychological Association (APA,美国心理学会)所用的Reference模式 What is APA? The American Psychological Association (APA) style is the preferred means of citing resources in the social sciences circle. The APA writing manual is in its 5th edition and is newer than the MLA writing style. APA格式指的就是美国心理学会American Psychological Association)出版的《美国心理协会刊物准则》,目前已出版至第六版,总页数272页,而此协会是目前在美国具有权威性的心理学学者组织。APA格式起源于1929年,当时只有7页,被刊登在《心理学期刊 Psychological Bulletin。 APA格式是一个为广泛接受的研究论文撰写格式,特别针对社会科学领域的研究,规范学术文献的引用和参考文献的撰写方法,以及表格、图表、注脚和附录的编排方式。 APA格式因采用哈佛大学文章引用的格式而广为人知,其“作者和日期”的引用方式和“括号内引用法”相当著名。 When is APA used? APA style is used when writing a psychological paper or any social sciences paper. It is a helpful style when most sources are from published journals, articles, and