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E-money: Statements and Payments 电子货币:结算清单与支付;什么是EBPP?;EBPP的模式;EBPP带来了什么?;Para 1;句子:No matter what size your business is, emerging alternatives will save you from having to print statements, pay for postage, and dedicate large numbers of people to processing payments. 单词:alternatives:n.可供选择的事物 save sb from sth 使某人免受 翻译:不论你业务的规模大小,全新的电子化结算与支付方式将使你无须再打印结算清单和支付邮资,也无须再投入大量的人力处理支付过程。。; 重点单词: dedicate oneself/sth to sth 1.奉献(自己,时间,精力) She dedicated her life to helping the poor. 她毕生致力於帮助穷人. 2.(为自己所著之书)献词 She dedicated her first book to her husband. 她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫. bill v.送交(某人)帐单;Para 2;句子:EBPP takes your site miles beyond the mere ability to accept secure credit card transactions, letting you present bills and collect payments over the Internet. 单词:beyond 越出(某事物)范围; 超越 mere adj. 仅仅的; 只不过 翻译:EBPP所能做的远不止安全地完成信用卡交易,它更能通过因特网实现账单付兑和支付。;句子:They can even contact customer service reps electronically, substantially cutting down on the number of calls going through the call center--and reducing the cost of your companys customer support. 单词:reps:representatives n.代表 substantially 大量地 cut down on sth: 削减,减少 翻译:客户甚至可以在线访问客户服务代表,从而大大减少进入呼叫中心的电话数量,进而降低公司用于客户支持的费用。;Para 5;句子:The report doesnt dismiss EBPP, though, stating that the value comes from business improvement rather than cost savings. 单词:dismiss:v. 1 解雇,开除 2 摒弃,不理会 rather than: 而不是 翻译:不过该报告并没有把EBPP贬得一无是处,认为使用EBPP的价值在于“业务的改进而非成本的节约”。; 重点单词: notify v. 通知 building block:原指儿童积木,这里指“成分,组成部分” foster v. 1 培养,促进: foster better communication促进沟通 2 领养; 收养:foster a child ;句子:Traditional billing methods present lucrative opportunities to stuff statements with ads. 单词:present 呈现 lucrative 可获利的,赚钱的 stuff…with 填满,塞满 翻译:传统的账单付兑方式的获利商机就是在结算单里填塞广告。;句子:EBPP, through its improved data collection, facilitates marketing that is tailored to a customer’s individual spending habits. 单词:


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