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2):一些动词如like,dislike,hate,love,appreciate, see to(确保),的宾语从句中,用it作形式宾语 * 从句一律用陈述语序。 主语从句 同位语从句 表语从句 宾语从句 多数情况下用it作形式主语,而把主语从句放在主句后面。 e.g. That the earth goes round the sun is known to us all. It is known to us all that the earth goes round the sun. it 作形式主语/宾语 It (形式主语) It’s possible/important/necessary/clear… that……很可能/重要的是…/必要的是…/很清楚… It’s said/ reported… that..据说/据报道… It has been announced/declared that..已经通知/宣布… It seems/appears/happens.. that…似乎、好像、 碰巧.. It’s no wonder that…难怪… It’s a pity/a fact / common knowledge (众所周知) / a common saying that….(俗话说) it 作形式宾语 1):(6123结构)(believe/think/consider/feel/make/find) e.g. ●You may think it strange that he will live there. ● I find it difficult to solve the problem. ● I consider it my duty that I should serve the people heart and soul. ● I think it useless arguing with him. e.g. I like it when the weather is clear and bright. I hate it when people talk with their mouths full. I will appreciate it if you help me with my English. Please see to it that the door is locked before you leave. 1. that和what引导名词性从句的区别: that:引导名词性从句本身无意义,只起连接作用,在从句中不做成分,但不能省略(宾语从句除外)。 What:引导名词性从句,在从句中做主语,宾语和表语,不能省略。what,常译为“什么” “什么样子”或“所……的人或事 what = the n/pron + that/ which , 可转换为定语从句 e.g. What you said is true. = The thing that you said is true . 名词性从句需要注意的几点: 1).What we can’t get seems better than what we have. 2).That our team won the match is exciting. 2. whatever,whichever ,whenever,whoever 等既可引导名词性从句又可引导状语从句 , 但no matter what ,no matter who ,no matter when 等则只能引导状语从句不能引导名词性从句 e.g. 1). No matter what / Whatever he says, I don’t believe him. 2). I don’t believe whatever he says. 3. what/who whatever/whoever 无论什么/谁 whatever = anything that whoever= anyone who which特定范围的哪一个 whichever 无论哪一个 e.g. 1). Whoever comes first wins the prize. 2). People/Those who come first win the prize. 3). It is unwise to give a kid whatever he wants. 4). Who broke the


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