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Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work Lead-in 1. Group Discussion 2. Debate 3. Background Information Group Discussion 1) How important do you think work is to a person? 2) What is the difference between hard work and overwork? 3) What drives people to overwork? 4) What should we do in order to maintain a proper balance between work and life? Background Information Workaholic 1. Origin of Workaholic Background Information Workaholic 2. Definition of workaholic If a person is a workaholic, he’s got compulsive need to be driven to accomplish things. In the workdays, they just keep going, keep pushing themselves. And a lot of stress leads to many problems, such as anxieties and diseases. Background Information Workaholic 3. Some features of workaholics Workaholics focus on work. They are not able to stop. Workaholics think about work constantly and, if unable to work, feel panicky or depressed. Workaholics resist taking breaks or going on vacations. When he is approaching his goal, he needs another goal to work towards. Workaholics believe that, by working longer hours and completing more projects, they will enhance their self-worth. Workaholics have high expectations of their work. Background Information “双11”这个淘宝商家期待已久的日子到了,然而, 双11前夕,小蔡的五钻级淘宝童鞋店,所有商品却下了架。 Background Information 开网店“累死人”屡屡上演 2013年7月,36岁的淘品牌御泥坊前董事长吴立君因长期辛劳,突发脑部静脉窦血栓过世。 2012年10月,29岁的淘宝皇冠店主许文俊因过度疲劳猝死,生前月入曾达百万元。 2012年7月,一名24岁的淘宝杭州美女卖家突然离世,意外发生前正一边忙着网店,一边筹备婚礼。 2012年6月,江苏一出租屋内,25岁的皇冠卖家小夏过世几天后才被快递员发现。 2012年5月,80后“辣妈”淘宝全职店主苏苏因为蛛网膜脑出血去世,过世时她的孩子仅1岁。 记者采访了很多淘宝卖家了解到 ,他们已经习惯了无休止地进货、交易, 睡觉、吃饭没有规律,甚至在梦中听到电脑的提示音都能蹦起来。 Background Information 美女店主猝死,上万网友悼念 Background Information Background Information 事件回放 2004年,企业资产规模达到25亿元的38岁均瑶集团原董事长王均瑶去世。 2006年5月,深圳华为公司工程师胡新宇因工作任务紧迫持续加班近1个月,导致过度劳累,全身多个脏器衰竭最终死亡。 2010年,37岁的腾讯网女性频道编辑于石泓因脑溢血去世,传与工作劳累过度有关。  2010年,深圳富士康公司员工自杀九连跳事件。 Background Information Karōshi (かろうし) sudden death from overwork 过劳死 Background Informatio


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