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探索中国特色的心血管病防治之路 —— 中华医学会心血管病学分会简介 Exploring a distinct way of cardiovascular disease prevention and control in China-the Chinese Society of Cardiology 历史沿革:源远流长 行业龙头 Her 36-years History and the Leading Position in China 中华医学会心血管病学分会(CSC )是隶属于中华医学会的二级专科分会, 于1978 年8 月成立,在中华医学会领导下开展工作,遵守中华医学会的章程。 Founded in August 1978, Chinese Society of Cardiology (CSC) is a branch society affiliated to Chinese Medical Association (CMA), fulfils her mission under the leadership and regulations of CMA. 中国十年文化大革命刚刚结束不久,各项科研工作、学术活动逐渐恢复,在 著名心血管病学家吴英恺院士发起与推动下,于1978 年8 月由心血管内科、心 胸血管外科、心血管流行病学等相关专业专家为骨干的新专科分会成立 ——CSC,成为中华医学会庞大学术组织阵容中一个重要的新成员。她为中国心 血管病防控、内、外科诊治技术的普及和提高,为心血管病专业的发展起到了重 要的推动作用和有力的组织保障。 After a decade of Cultural Revolution in the 1970s in China, the scientific researches and academic activities gradually recovered, Academician WU Yingkai, a famous pioneer of cardiologist in China, called for experts of cardiovascular physicians, cardiothoracic surgeons and cardiovascular epidemiologists to initiate the CSC in August 1978, since then, CSC becomes an important member of the Chinese largest and oldest medical association-CMA. She greatly facilitated the enhancement and popularity of the technique and practice of Cardiovascular Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the development of cardiology itself in China. 随着医学科学的发展和学科更进一步专业化,1985 年 8 月中华医学会胸心 血管外科学分会成立,1994 年9 月中华医学会心电生理和起搏分会从CSC 中独 立建会。此外,在中国还有其他心血管病相关的学术组织,如中国医师协会心血 管内科医师分会、心血管外科医师分会,CSC 与这些兄弟学术组织齐心协力、 相扶相济,为中国心血管防治事业中做出应有的贡献。 Given more and more subjects specialization, Chinese Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, founded in August 1985,and Chinese Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, established in September 1994 also became the branches of CMA. Besides, with the support of policy, some spontaneous p


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