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我院ICU 2008 年和2009 年药品使用的ABC 分析 范芳芳,胡兰,赵生俊(新疆维吾尔自治区中医医院药学部,乌鲁木齐 830000) 摘要:目的 调查新疆维吾尔自治区中医院ICU 2008 年和2009 年药品使用情况,为临床合理用药及医院内部科室药品 比例增减提供参考。方法 采用ABC 分析法对药品的品种及金额进行统计分析,并对A 类药品进行重点分析。结果 2009 年A 类药品共计22 种,金额百分比72.74% ,B 类药品23 种,金额百分比 17.45%,C 类药品 173 种,金额百分比9.81% ; 2008 年A 类药品共计32 种,金额百分比72.51% ,B 类药品33 种,金额百分比 18.23%,C 类药品203 种,金额百分比 9.26%。其中A 类药品均高度集中在抗菌药物。结论 ICU 用药存在不合理现象,应加强抗菌药物及中药注射剂的管理, 促进合理用药。 关键词:ABC 分析法;ICU ;用药分析 中图分类号:R969.3 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1007-7693(2011)02-0178-04 Analysis of Medication in ICU in Our Hospital in 2008 and 2009 with ABC Methods FAN Fangfang, HU Lan, ZHAO Shengjun(Department of Pharmacy, Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830000, China) ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To investigate the medication in ICU in traditional Chinese medical hospital of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in 2008 and 2009 for providing a reference for rational use of medicines and increasing or decreasing drug rate. METHODS Statistical analysis of drug of variety amount of money with ABC, and emphasis on A species. RESULTS In 2009, the kinds of A species were 22 and the amount of money percentage were 72.74%, the kinds of B species were 23 and the amount of money percentage were 17.45%, and the kinds of C species were 173 and the amount of money percentage were 9.81%. In 2008, the kinds of A species were 32 and the amount of money percentage were 72.51%, the kinds of B species were 33 and the amount of money percentage were 18.23%, and the kinds of C species were 203, and the amount of money percentage were 9.26%. And A species concentrate mainly on antibacterials. CONCLUSION There was unreasonable medication, therefore, it should be strengthened that the management of antibacterials and injection of traditional Chinese medicine and help forward reasonable medication. KEY WORDS: ABC methods; ICU; analysis of medication ABC 分析法可用于分析一年或更短时间内的



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