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与地理有关歌曲、谚语等(国外英文资料) I provide some information in the use of the ancient poem auxiliary teaching to describe the spring: bamboo outside peach blossom three two branches, spring river water warm duck prophet. It is not wet and it is not cold and it is not cold. Description of summer: the lotus leaf infinity of the lotus leaf, reflected the lotus flower different red. Description of autumn: the sunset and the autumn water have a long day. Description of the winter: who will snow the land and cut it to the sky? Description of the spring rain: the qingming season is raining and the people on the road want to be broken. Description of the plum rain: three days rain not only, earthworm up my don. Its a rainy day in huangmei and frogs in the green grass pond. Description of the summer shower: sit in the black clouds with a heavy rain and spray the mountain. Describe autumn rain: japonica rice cooked bitter late this year, total see frost when the wind to. Frost wind rain as xie, his head out of the bacteria scythe clothing. Dry eye tears as the rain, see huang sui lie blue mud. MAO Shan in January (3 nights, its fine for rice conductor. Description of the winter snow: a night without snow and land, the thirsty Wells are frozen. It was three feet of snow last night and this year it will be a great autumn. The description of lu: the jingxi baishi, the red leaves of the sky are thin. The mountain road is no rain, the empty green peoples clothes. Description of the climate: the qiang flute has to blame Yang liu, the spring breeze is not the jade door close. The description of mount lushan: it is seen as the peak of the ridge, and the distance is different from each other. The description of lushan waterfall: the flying speed of the three thousand feet, the doubt is the Milky Way nine days. The description of mount tai: when ling is the top of the mountain, the mountains are small. Description of vertical zonality: in April, the temple of the mountain is blooming. Description



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