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2012最新脑筋急转弯 1 winter melon, cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin can eat, what melon cant eat? Answer: a fool There are six steamed buns in the two POTS, one for each of the six children, but one in the basin, why? The answer: The last child took the basin away Can you turn ice into water at the fastest speed? The answer: When you remove the ice word, it becomes water. In winter, the baby is afraid of the cold, and in the house, he wont take off his hat. But he saw a man take off his hat. Who was that man? The answer: The barber The old king had to shave forty and fifty times a day, but he still had a beard on his face. Whats the reason for that? The answer: Lao wang is a barber There is a word that everyone can read wrong. What word is this? The answer: This is the wrong word 7 xiao hua is at home. Who is the most like? The answer: oneself What is the use of an egg shell? The answer: For egg whites and egg yolks. What is it that you dont have to work hard? The answer: yawning You can do it, I can do it, everybody do it; One can do it, two cant do it together. What does this do? The answer: dream What does everyone have to do every day? The answer: Go to bed Who never dare to take a bath? Clay figurine Xiao Ming never studied but got a model student. Why? Xiao Ming is a deaf student Whats a hard time? The answer: The windmill Which month is twenty-eight days? The answer: Every month has 28 days You know whats bad about sleeping in class? The answer: Its better to be in bed What wine cant drink? The answer: Tincture of iodine What eggs do not rot, do not cook, do not eat? The answer: The zero eggs in the exam What do you need to do? The answer: It takes six hours from Beijing to Shanghai. Where is the train in three hours? The answer: On the track When will the clock not go? The answer: The clock wouldnt have gone There are no books in the bookstore: The note What is the narrowest road? The answer: Way to go What cant eat? The answer: Things direction 25 a man fell off the


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