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招聘——人力资源管理工作的关键——做好企业的招聘工作9 Recruitment, human resources management of the key _ the accounting operations of the accounting operations page from primary accountant the title of certified public accountants, senior accountants, economist at the securities industry intermediate accountant the title certified asset appraiser internal audit division accounting practice and accounting computerization tax and accounting information and the moral practice Accounting beautiful The registration process will take a quick course to find the password master fee standard admission plan for seven days. In 2011, the education program opened for the 2011 accountancy class In 2011, the class of certified tax professionals will be able to listen to the injection exam. Current location: on the home page Accounting department recruitment - the critical time of human resource management: 2011-01-21: responsibility editor: admin Human resources are the first prize in all human resources. Constantly improve the level of human resource development and management, is not only the need of the current economic development and improve market competitiveness, is also a country, a nation, a region, a unit is the important guarantee of long-term success. Recruitment is the key to ensuring the maximum effectiveness of human resource management. This paper puts forward several methods for recruiting. [keywords] recruiting; Human resources management; Specialization; innovation The science and education at present, and comprehensively improve the quality of the workers, such as national policies and regulations, actually talking about a country, a nations human resources development and management. Only one countrys human resources are fully developed and managed, and a country can prosper and a nation can prosper. In an organization, the achievement of the organizations goals can only be achieved through the need for useful personnel, rational use of talents, scientific management and effective



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