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国家藏獒标准——藏獒的FCI标准 National Tibetan mastiff standard -- the FCI standard for Tibetan mastiffs One of the very difficult problems encountered by the earliest Tibetan mastiff breeders in the United States was the standard of the breed. In general, the standards of the breed should be based on the standard of origin. Because there is no such thing as a local canine association, it is clearly impossible to do so. In addition, Tibetan natives are identified according to their ability to work, and do not care much about their appearance. The nomadic tibetans claim that their Tibetan mastiffs have a deep and powerful roar, not sleeping at night but constantly alert to intruders. 6 (now we) the breeders of Tibetan mastiffs should always remember the important features of these [origin Tibetan mastiffs]. When Tibetan natives describe the characteristics of Tibetan mastiffs, they mainly use size and color. I dont know from them. From which generation, the body of the Tibetan mastiff has been widely recognized and accepted. The existing standards are mainly from FCI organizations. However, this standard is generalized and crude. The development of Tibetan mastiffs is based on natural selection. The type of Tibetan mastiff in each relatively independent region is different, and the type depends on where it comes from. However, it is impossible for any one of the same standards to adapt to the work of the original area. Therefore, large and strong bodies, with sufficient energy and strength to defend against the attack of wolves and snow leopards, are the most important for Tibetan mastiffs. For grazing activities, jumping rocks and resisting intruders, the voice of the larynx and the ability to move are also necessary. 16 relatively high altitudes of oxygen, good chest lungs must be. Good endurance is also necessary for grazing livestock. In addition, no dog does not depend on thick and thick layers of hair to survive in the cold wind of the country of origin. Like the inhabitan


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