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第 3 5 卷 第 2 期 陕西科技大学学裉 V o l. 35 N o. 2 2 0 1 7 年 4 月 Journal of Shaanxi University of Science Technology 八 p r.2 0 1 7 * 文 章 编 号 :1 0 00-5 811 (2 0 1 7 )0 2 -0 1 8 9 -0 6 —种改进的支持向量机模型研究 郭 晨 晨 ,朱 红 康 * ( 山 西 师 范 大 学 数 学 与 计 算 机 科 学 学 院 ,山 西 临 汾 0 4 1 0 0 0 ) 摘 要 :传统的支持向量机无法充分、有效地检测出类间重叠区域中的少数实例,也无法对不 平衡的数据集作出合理分类,而类的重叠分布和不平衡分布在复杂数据集中是常见的 .因而, 它们对支持向量机的分类性能产生负面影响 .基于此,提出了一种利用距离度量代替支持向量 机松弛变量的改进模型 .在一定程度上解决了支持向量机处理复杂数据集中类间重叠和不平 衡的问题 .最后,利用合成数据集和UCL数据库中的数据集的实验验证了该算法的先进性 . 关键词:支持向量机;重叠;不平衡;松弛变量;距离度量 中图分类号:TP 18 文献标志码: A Research on an improved support vector machine model GUO Chen-chen, ZHU Hong-kang (S c h o o l of M a th e m a tic s an d C o m p u te r S c ie n c e , S h a n x i N o rm a l U n iv e r s ity , L in fe n 0 4 1 0 0 0 , C h in a) Abstract : Traditional support vector machines can not sufficiently and effectively detect the instance of the minority class in the overlap region and can not make a reasonable classitica- tion of the imbalanced data sets. However,the overlapping and imbalanced of the common in complicated data sets. As a result , theyhave a negative impact on the classiiica- tion performance of support vector machines. Based on this , an improved model is proposed to replace the slack variables of support vector machine based on distance measure. To a cer­ tain extent,tt solves the problem that the support vector machine is dealing the overlapping and imbalanced of the classes in complicated data sets. Finally,the advanced nature of the al­ gorithm is verified by the experimental results of the data


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