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GOOGLE I/O Google held its annual I/O developers conference in San Francisco on 0:30,29 May 2015 Android M preview The Android M developer preview is intended mainly to?help developers begin?updating their apps, and assist Google in identifying any bugs, but anyone can grab the firmware and flash the preview on their Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 or Nexus Player to get a first look at the new OS. Android Wear is still a very young platform, but with the Apple Watch now out and several Android partners already developing (or open to developing) their own wearable platform to make up for Googles failure to improve Wear fast enough, this really needs to be on Googles radar for 2015 Android Wear 29 May 2015 Google Photos Google Photos offers unlimited free storage of up to 16 MP photos and 1080p video, with compressed file storage and a complete overview always available and access to your entire library at your fingertips, all without storing anything on your phone. Android Pay Googles answer to Apple Pay has been announced and it is called Android Pay. The?Android?touch payment service will work on any Android device with NFC and is backwards compatible to Android 4.4 KitKat Android Auto The Hyundai Sonata will become the first production vehicle to arrive with Android Auto on board. Virtual Reality Alongside the improved Cardboard, Google also announced a new VR feature for Cardboard called Expeditions, which allows teachers to take students on a field trip to anywhere, all from the comfort of the classroom a new stereoscopic VR camera rig called Jump was announced for release in summer, which uses 16 cameras in a circular configuration to capture stereoscopic footage of environments. Android Home Google has been trying to get Android into your home – or more specifically your lounge room – for as long as we?can remember. Smart homes, entertainment and connected devices in the Internet of Things will be a high priority for Google in 2015 as well, but well have


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