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经济贸易系 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 常州路劲城促销策略分析 学生姓名: 谢 宏 燕 学 号: 2011717127 班 级: 营 销 1113 指导教师: 徐 建 华 2014 年 1 月 10 日 【摘 要】 作为中国房企50强之一的香港路劲地产的楼盘在常州市民心中已经建立起了良好的口碑。不过,在市场多元化飞速发展的今天,消费者对于购买大件物品越来越趋向于理性化,对于买房这种大事,人们考虑的因素就更加的复杂化。在面对整个房产低迷化的时期,路劲地产新开发楼盘——路劲城同样出现了“酒好也怕巷子深”“皇帝的女儿急出嫁”等问题。 本文主要是先通过分析房地产市场现状从而引出路劲城在促销策略中的不足。主要从它的SWOT分析,现有的问题分析,问题产生的原因以及最后的解决策略这几大块入手。希望通过此次促销策略分析能够让路劲城在今后所做的促销活动中有新的思考与发展方向,从而为企业带来丰厚的利润回报。 【关键词】促销;促销策略;路劲城;房地产 【Abstract】 Real estate enterprises in China as one of the top 50 Road King real estate properties for sale in Changzhou of Hong Kong people has been building up a good reputation. However, in todays rapid development and diversification of markets, consumers buy big-ticket items tend rational, for buying a House this big factors that people consider that much more complicated.In the face of the whole property during the downturn, Road King Estate new real estate- Road King city also good wine is also deeply afraid of the alley, the Emperors daughter married rush, and so on. Article through the analysis of real estate market situation which leads to insufficient Road King City on promotion strategies.Mainly from its SWOT analysis, analysis of the existing problems, causes of problems and finally solve the policy, starting with a few chunks.Through analysis of the promotion strategy of the future of promotions to give way to new ways of thinking and development direction in the activities, which bring great profit returns to the enterprise. 【Key words】promotion;promotion strategies;Road King city; real estate 目 录 引 言 1 1常州房地产现状分析 1 1.1现状分析 1 1.1.1宏观环境分析 1 1.1.2微观环境分析 2 1.2路劲城销售现状 2 2路劲城的SWOT分析 3 2.1


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