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Do you have ….? Do we have ….? Do they have ….? Does he have…? Does she have…? Yes, I do. Yes, we do . Yes, they do. No, I don’t. No ,we don’t. No, they don’t. Yes, he/ she does. No ,he/ she doesn’t. 含有have, has(实义动词)的一般疑问句 第一、第二 人称单数、 复数,第三 人称复数 第三人称单数 I don’t have a book. You don’t have an English book. We don’t have a pen. They don’t have a pencil. She doesn’t have a book. He doesn’t have an English book. My uncle doesn’t have a pen. Her father doesn’t have a pencil. 第 三 人 称 单 数 含有have, has (实义动词)的否定句 第一、第二人 称单数、复数,第三人称复数 have : has : do : does: I, you, we, they,复数名词 he, she, it ,单数名词 总结 I you we they,复数名词 he she it ,单数名词 Exercise Translate the sentences 1.我有一个篮球。 2.我们有一个排球。 3.他们有一个足球。 4.你有一个棒球吗?是的,我有一个棒球。 5.他们有一个网球吗?不,他们没有网球。 6.我没有乒乓球。 7.我们没有棒球棒。 I have a basketball. We have a volleyball. They have a soccer ball. Do you have a baseball? Yes, I do. I have a baseball. Do they have a tennis ball? No, they don’t. They don’t have tennis ball. I don’t have a Ping-pong ball. We don’t have a baseball bat. 句型变换 1.We have a basketball.(否定句) 2.I have a volleyball.(一般疑问句) 3.They have a soccer ball.(一般疑问句) 4.Do you have a tennis ball?(肯定句) 5.Do they have a baseball?(肯定句) 6.The boys have a baseball.(否定句) We don’t have a basketball. Do you have a volleyball? Do they have a soccer ball? I have a tennis ball. They have a baseball. The boys have a baseball. Please find the answers: 1)有一个乒乓球拍____________ 2)有一个乒乓球_______ 3)有一个足球___________ 4)有一个____________ 5)有一个网球____________ 6)有一个排球—————— 7)想去打篮球_________________ 8) 见到你____________________ 9)让我们去———————————— 10)找他—————————— have a ping-pong have a soccer ball have one have a volleyball Want to play basketball have a tennis meet you Let’s go find him have a ping-pong bat Does she have … ? Does she have … ? Does she have … ? Practice Do you have a tennis bat? Yes, I do. Where is the tennis bat? It’s under the sofa. Practice Does Tom have a basketball? Yes, he does. Is th


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