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3.I knew it was time to quit smoking. (P18) 我知道是我该戒烟的时候了。 ◆ 词语归纳 quit (quit,quit,quitting) v.后接名词或动词-ing形式,“停止做” 或“辞职” We had to quit the party in order to get home before ten. 为了十点前回到家里,我们不得不停止了晚会。 Quit muttering,please.请不要嘀嘀咕咕。 4.Decide on a day to quit. (P19) 确定一个开始戒烟的日子。 ◆ 词语归纳 decide on/upon 决定,确定;选定 decide against 决定反对 make a decision 作出决定 ◆ 即学即练 选用上述短语填空 (1)Lets put our heads together and ________ a plan of action. (2)Weve ________________ having a big family gathering this Christmas because our house is rather small. (3)The two sides________ the establishment of diplomatic relations so that they could develop their economy and trade better. (4)Its hard ________ where to work when you have two good opportunities. 答案:(1)decide on (2)decided against  (3)have decided on (4)to make a decision 5.If you weaken and have a cigarette,dont be ashamed. (P19) 如果你因意志薄弱而又抽烟了,也不要觉得难为情。 ◆ 词语归纳 shame n.遗憾的事,可耻的事 shameful adj.可耻的 shameless adj.不知羞耻的 be ashamed to do...以干……为耻 be ashamed of...为……而害羞 ◆ 即学即练 选用上述词语或短语填空 (1)What a ____________ it is to miss such a good chance. (2)A _______ act is one of which you ought to ________ of. (3)He often told big lies. So he was a __________ liar. (4)Im ___________to have mentioned it;please forgive me. 答案:(1)shame (2)shameful,be ashamed  (3)shameless (4)ashamed 6.Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker(P19) 每当你想要抽烟的时候,你就提醒你自己:你已经是不抽烟的人了。 ◆词语辨析 feel like;would like ①feel like+ sth./doing sth.想要某事或做某事,后面不能跟不定式; ②would like 后要跟不定式。 ◆ 即学即练 用feel like与would like填空 (1)I ____________having a drink (2)I ____________to go home this weekend. (3)I ____________ a cup of coffee rather than a cup of tea. 答案: (1)feel like (2)would like (3)would like 7.In spite of her wounded leg,she managed to get up the stairs. (P20) 尽管她腿受伤了,她还是设法上楼梯。 ◆ 词语归纳 in spite of尽管,无视,后接名词。 She cant see very well in spite of her glasses. 尽管戴着眼镜她还是不能看得很清楚。 ◆词语辨析 although/though;in spite of  ①although和though是从


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