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30 1 Vol. 30, No. 1 2006 2 LASER TECHNOLOGY February, 2006 : 1001-3 06( 2006) 01-0047- 03 LIGA * 马 龙, 周月豪, 熊良才, 柳海鹏, 史铁林 ( , 430074) : , ( PMMA ), , , , , 10Lm : ; LIGA; ; PMMA : TG665 : A The study of m icro-electroform in L IGA MA L ong, ZH OU Yue-hao, X IONG L iang-Cai, LIUH ai-p eng, SH I T ie-lin ( School ofM echan ical Science and Engineering, HUST, Wuhan 430074, Ch ina) A bstrac t: A h igh-aspect-ration holew ith linew idth of 32Lm, height of 2000Lm are drilled on PMMA by excmi er laser, then it is used as m ou ld in electroform as w ell as another structure m ade by lithographic. Through expermi ents, the param eters are optmi ined to fit the high-aspect-ration structure electroform, two m ain d ifficu lties including the surface tension and polarization of concentration are resolved and them icro-structure w ith line w idth of 10Lm is obtained. K ey w ord s: m icroelectroform; lithographie galvanoformung abformung( LIGA); excmi er laser; PMMA , , , [ 1] [ 2] EHRFELD , X , LIGA ( lithograph ie galvanoformung abformung) LIGA , , , , 1 , , , 1. 1 , , : (, , , , , ), Lumonics , PM- 4 , , , (), ( AR), ( AR), ( ,



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