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Starter Units 1-6 班级_________姓名_________小组_________评价_________ 【学习目标】 掌握26个字母的读音; 掌握可数名词复数形式的变化和运用; 学会使用基数词和方位介词; 理解并运用“There +be ”句型; 运用恰当的语言形式介绍你的朋友/你的教室/你的学校。 【导学提纲】 A.读背课本词汇表中Units1-6单词(能级要求以《2012盐城市中考说明英语词汇手册》为准)。 B.认真朗读课文,背默下列词组。 1.all my new classmates /all of my new classmates 2.tall and strong 3. short and pretty 4. my father’s job 5. Aunt Mary 6. my twin brother 7.look at the photo 8. two policemen 9. a photo of my family 10. pick oranges/flowers 11.come from America 12. polite and helpful 13. have a look at/ look at 14. be late (for? 15.behind the chair 16.beside the shop 17.in the middle of the lake 18.on the grass 19.between the two hills 20.under the bed 21.on the left of the park 22.on the right of our school 23. on one’s right 24. in the flowers/ among the flowers 25.on one’s left 26.on the teacher’s desk 27.Teachers’ Day 28. in Building C 29.two hundred students 30. hundreds of students 31.on the ground floor 32.on the first floor 33.feed birds 34.climb the tree C.根据26个字母的读音,在其前面用不定冠词an 的字母有: 【展示交流】 组内互查预习情况,纠错、朗读。 2. 小组合作,训练话题简述:购物 Shopping (见《纲要》 P55-56)。 3. 小组合作,Discuss how to introduce people. (Work out the use of “be” and adjectives) 4. 小组合作,Discuss how to introduce your classroom and your school. (Work out the use of “There be…”) 【个案补充】


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