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学号: 1005324090 x 河南省5A级旅游景区解说系统现存问题及对策探析 Analysis on the Problems and Countermeasures of the Interpretation System of 5A Level Scenic Sports in Henan Province 学院名称: 旅游学院 专业名称: 双语文化与旅游管理 年级班别: 2010级 姓 名: 李勇菊 指导教师: 杨文琪 2014年5月 河南省5A级旅游景区解说系统现存问题及对策探析 摘 要 关键词 解说系统;云台山景区;龙门石窟景区;对策 Analysis on the Problems and Countermeasures of the Interpretation System of 5A Level Scenic Sports in Henan Province Abstract Scenic spot interpretation system is the communication bridge of tourists and tourism spots,which plays a very important role in the development of the scenic spots. Tourists take participate in activities according to the information provided by the tourism interpretation system. Therefore,whether the quality of tourism interpretation system is high or low affects the quantity of tourists and their loyalty to the scenic directly. This paper described the present situation of interpretation system on Yuntai Mountain scenic spot and Longmen Grottoes scenic and the existing system types of these two scenic spots ,and pointed out the existing problems about Yuntai Mountain and Longmen Grottoes. And then, it is divided into four aspects such as the initiative (tour guides,scenic spot commentator or consulting services,etc.),print and video products, visitor center and sign. Finally, it discussed the countermeasures from such angles listening,reading,thinking,seeing, experiencing,jointing and so on. It will help improve the competitiveness and attraction of scenic spots and there will be a promoting effect to the promotion of tourist image of Henan. Keywords interpretation system;Yuntai Mountain;Longmen Grottoes;countermeasure 目 录 摘 要 I 目 录 III 前 言 一、河南省5A级旅游景区解说系统建设现状 (一)云台山景区现状 (二)龙门石窟景区现状 (三)云、龙两景区现存解说系统类型 二、景区解说系统现存问题分析 4 (一)云台山景区解说系统现存问题 4 (二)龙门石窟景区解说系统现存问题 5 (三)景区解说系统共存问题分析 5 三、对策建议 6 (一)增强景区的能动性解说——偏重“听” 6 (二)增加印刷品和音像品的宣


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