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中国考博辅导首选学校 2015北京理工大学考博英语真题阅读理解精练 “I want to criticize the social system, and to show it at work, at itsmost intense.”VirginiaWoolf’sprovocative statementabout her intentions i writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly bee ignored by the critics, since it highlights a aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic” novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and visio and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.But VirginiaWoolfwas arealistic aswell as apoetic novelist, a satirist and social critic as well as a visionary: literarycritics’cavalier dismissalofWoolf’s socialvisio will not withstand scrutiny I her novels, Woolf is deeply engaged by the questions of how individuals are shaped (ordeformed) by their social environments, how historical forces impingeo people’s lives,how class,wealth, and gender help to determine people’s fates. Most of her novels are rooted i a realistically rendered social setting and i a precise historical time. Woolf’s focus o society has not bee generally recognized because of her intense antipathy to propaganda i art. The pictures of reformers i her novels are usually satiric or sharply critical. Eve whe Woolf is fundamentally sympathetic to their causes, she portrays people anxious to reform their society and possessed of a message or program as arrogant or dishonest, unaware of how their 中国考博辅导首选学校 political ideas serve their ow psychological needs. (HerWriter’s Diary notes: “the only honest people are the artists,” whereas “these social reformers and philanthropists… harbor… discreditable desires under the disguise of loving their kind…”) Woolf detested what she called “preaching” i fiction, too, and criticizednovelistD.H. Lawrence (amongothers)forworking by this method. Woolf’s ow social criticism is expr


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