4159501 基础导学 夏 阅读精品课堂 第11-12页(第5篇)201109.pdf

4159501 基础导学 夏 阅读精品课堂 第11-12页(第5篇)201109.pdf

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4159501 基础导学 夏 阅读精品课堂 第11-12页(第5篇)201109

Aspiring,Perspiring,InspiringandProspering /xiajirong Text5 (1) Jonathan Swift once made what he called a Modest Proposal: since the Irish could not grow enough food to feed themselves, but Source: 标准阅读100 篇 had no trouble producing babies, he suggested that babies should be 难度系数:标准 ���� made the prime Irish export (perhaps served as a table delicacy in 约410词,使用约_____分钟 England). There were those who thought he meant it. Perhaps, in a bitterandangry way,hesaid. KEYS:CBDBA (2) I wish to make a Modest Proposal myself. It relates to two serious contemporary problems: narcotics addiction and overpopulation. I feel that it is incumbent upon me as a man who makes his living from the record industry to offer this proposal. For the record industry is as responsible as any sector of oursocietyfor thegrowingnumberofdeathsfromtheuseofheroinandotherdrugs. (3) Now don’t be hasty in condemning them. They’ve done no more than other industries have. Detriot finds 40,000 deaths a year in crash-worthy cars an acceptable price for profits. Why shouldn’ttherecordindustrytoobeallowedtokillits quotaofpeopleforprofits? (4) There is a great deal of criminal money invested in the music business, both in groups and in some record labels. Rock groups began pushing drug use. The kids bought it. The kids are dying.Theunderworldismaking moneyonit.Thisisall coincidence,right?Ohsure. (5) Drug education in the schools is only going to make the problem worse. I am convinced. It will increase fascination, or even cause it, among youngsters who had never even thought much aboutusingdrugs.Watchithappeninthenexttwoyears. (6) And so I have come around to another view of the matter. I modestly propose that to all our other welfare program



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