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反意疑问句特例种种(国外英文资料) A variety of disjunctive questions 1) when a part of the have is yes, it can be used either by have or in the form of do. You, have, a, new, bike, dont/havent, you? 2) stating a partial interrogative sentence containing must When must must speak, the interrogative part is neednt; when mustnt (forbidden, Forbidden) is used, the interrogative part is must. Such as: You, must, go, now, neednt, you? You, mustnt, smoke, must, you? When must indicates that the inference is certain, the verb form in the interrogative part is determined by the verb form behind the must. Such as: You, must, be, tired, arent, you? You, must, have, heard, about, it, havent, you? You, must, have, gone, to, the, cinema, last, night, didnt, you. (because the statement has the adverbial of the past, last, night, so didnt) 3) used tos interrogative sentence Some usednt or didnt can be used in the query section, for example: The, old, man, used, to, sleep, ten, hours, a, day, usednt/didnt, he? 4) ought tos interrogative sentence The interrogative part is either oughtnt or shouldnt, such as: He, ought, to, come, oughtnt/shouldnt, he? 5) an interrogative sentence of negative or semi negative words When the part of the statement has negative or semi negative words such as seldom, hardly, scarely, never, few, little, nothing, nobody and so on, the verbs in the interrogative part are affirmative. Such as: He, seldom, goes, to, the, cinema, doesnt, he? 6) if the statement contains words such as unfair, unfit, hopeless, dislike, disagree, etc. that are prefixed by the meaning of negation, the interrogative part is in the negative form. Such as: She, dislikes, the, idea, doesnt, she? Its, unfair, isnt, it? 7) one is the subject of an interrogative sentence If the subject of the statement is one (person), the interrogative part can be either one or he, such as: One, cant, be, careful, enough, can, one/he? 8) the interrogative sentence of demonstrative pronoun When the subject of the statem


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