江苏译林5Bunit4Seeing the doctor(国外英文资料).doc

江苏译林5Bunit4Seeing the doctor(国外英文资料).doc

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江苏译林5Bunit4Seeing the doctor(国外英文资料)

江苏译林5Bunit4Seeing the doctor(国外英文资料) 课题: unit 4 seeing the doctor 课时: 1 教学目标: 1.能正确理解, 掌握对话内容, 并能朗读, 表演对话. 2.能正确听说读写词组: see the doctor, have a rest, take some medicine, drink some hot water 3初步掌握句型 whats wrong with you? i have.... 教学重点: 1.能正确理解, 掌握对话内容, 并能朗读, 表演对话. 2.掌握词组: see the doctor, have a rest, take some medicine, drink some hot water和句型what s wrong with you? i have... what should i do? you should. 3.培养学生听说能力和交际能力. 教学准备: 课件、磁带、录音机等. 教 学 过 程 教师活动 学生活动 备 注 step 1 warming up t: 1. where do you live? ss:... 2. how do you come to school? ss:... 3. how do you get to school? ss:... step 2 presentation 1. t: yl wants to visit shs home. but sh is ill. she wants to see the doctor.教师板书课题. 2.教师出示挂图, 让学生用中文描述一下图片信息. 3.学生自由度课文, 并找出新单词, 试着根据音标拼读. 4.教师领读, 学生跟读, 注意语音语调的模仿. 5.学生分角色朗读课文. 6.教师出示表格, 学生观看课文动画. name whats wrong with her? should 7.四人一小组讨论并完成表格, 教师检查并完成板书. name whats wrong with her? should have a rest at home take some medicine drink some hot water 1.教师根据表格情况, 模仿复述课文. 2.学生根据表格情况, 复述课文, 教师给予评价. 3.教师讲表格中的内容擦去, 男女生根据表格上的部分信息进行角色扮演复述课文. step 3, consolidate the knowledge 随堂小练习 一.汉译英 就医 休息一会 二.根据中文提示完成句子 1. you should (服药) 2. you should (喝一些水) step four summary 本节课我们学习了就医用语: whats wrong with you? 以及答语; 我们还学习了 以should引导的建议用语, 希望学生课后能够用合适的句型互相操练巩固新句型. step 5 will 1.词组抄写三遍, 默写一遍 2.复述课文 板书设计: unit 4 seeing the doctor a headache and a fever have... take... drink... 教学 反思 课题: unit 4 seeing the doctor 课时: 2 教学目标: 1.会听说读写新单词: medicine, sweet, however, 新词组brush ones teeth, eat sweets. 2.学会由should引导的否定句: sb. shouldnt do sth. 3.继续复习巩固询问病情句型和建议句型: whats wrong with you? i have got... what should i do? you should... 教学重点: 1..两个重点句型的熟练运用. 2. Master the pronunciation of medicine. 3. grasp and use the composition of negative sentences guided by should. Teaching preparation: courseware, tape, recorder and so on. Teaching process Teacher activity Student activities Remarks Step 1, Warming-up T:1.What s, wrong, with, SH? 2.What, should, she, do? Step 2, Presentation 1.T:What, s, wrong, with,


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