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教学观摩活动教学设计表(国外英文资料) The fourth national primary and secondary school new media new technology teaching application seminar and interactive technology based Teaching design of teaching activities School Nursery school Designer Zhang Fang Subject (EDITION) Shanghai Education Edition chapter The second chapter, the eighth section Hours Second hours grade Grade three Teaching target 1. understand and master the calculation method of the divisor is two digit division, to correctly divide bisuan. 2., grasp the positioning method of business, correctly and skillfully determine the number of business. 3. can correctly and skillfully calculate the division of zero at the end of the divisor. Key and difficult points in Teaching And measures Teaching emphasis: the positioning of the quotient of the highest and the quotient Teaching difficulties: discussion and exploration of division calculation method Guide students through the use of observation, comparison, analysis, induction and other mathematical methods, independent inquiry, explore two Number elimination. Learner analysis Teaching link Content of courses Activity design Moving target Media usage and analysis (Interactive Whiteboard usage) Situational introduction There was a football match in the sports kingdom. After the match, 3780 small animals were asked to take the bus home. If a bus could take 35 small animals, how many buses would it take? Conversation introduction List the division formula by application hide Inquiry algorithm 1, list the algorithm 2, estimates are several figures, say reasons. 3, try to calculate. Out of play. 4. Discussion: what should be paid attention to when calculating? 5, courseware demonstration. Asking questions, writing on the blackboard, and students saying division is division is the method of calculation Through the communication between students, summed up the business, bit is not enough, business 1, with 0 occupation. Hidden magic ink Consolidation exercise 1. Give it a try 2, e


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