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M5U2 The Environment 词汇学习 economy n. ?经济, 节约, 理财 economic adj. ?经济上的; 经济学的 economic depression ?经济衰退 economical adj. ?节俭的, 合算的, 经济的economically ?adv. ?节约地, 节省地 economics ?n. ?经济学 economist n. ?经济学者, 经济家 n. +-ic/ical→adj. economy(n. )+-ic→economic(adj. )经济的 【类记】 electricity(n. )电→_______(adj. )电的 science(n. )科学→________(adj. )科学的 medicine(n. )医学→_______(adj. )医学的 Electricopen the floor 自由发言 have/get/obtain the floor 有/取得发言权 take the floor  上台发言 4. flow vi. 流, 流动; 流畅地进行 n. 流动; 连贯 ①Rivers flow into the sea. ②Water flows to the lowest level. 泪从他眼里流出 Traffic ~s along the street all day. 街上的来往车辆整天川流不息 n.(U) the ~ of a river河水的流动 a ~ of conversation 滔滔不绝的谈话 ’s duty to do sth. 做某事是某人的责任 He did his work out of a sense of duty. 他出于责任感而工作。 It is our duty to defend our country. 保卫国家是我们的义务。 As the busiest woman in Norton, she made it her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town. cut back(on)减少,削减,缩减 =cut down on to cut back on spending 削减开支 拓展: ①If we don’t sell more we’ll have to cut back production. ②They cut down the big tree. 他们把这棵大树砍倒了。 ③Don’t cut in when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话。 ④We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation. 我们在电话里谈话谈了一半就被切断了。 ⑤You should cut out the unimportant details. 你应当删除这些不重要的细节。 【归纳拓展】 cut away    割掉; 砍去 cut down 砍倒, 减少 cut in 插嘴, 超车 cut off 中断; 剪下, 切断, 断绝 cut out 切去, 剪去, 删除 cut up 切碎 production ?n. ?生产; 制作 produce v. ?生产,; 创作; 制造; 生育 producer n. 生产者 product n. 产品, 结果 productive adj. ?生产的; 多产的 recycle ?v. ?使再循环, 再制, 再利用 recyclable adj. ?可再循环的; 可回收利用的 recycling n. ?回收; 回收利用 greedy ?adj. ?贪吃的贪婪的 greed ?n. ?贪欲, 贪婪 Greedy folks have long arms. (谚语)心贪手长。 responsibility ?n.责任,职责,义务 [for,of,to] a sense of ~ 责任感 take responsibility for…. 承担。。。的责任 responsibility responsible ?adj. 需负责任的[(+for/to)] ;作为原因(+for);可信赖的 She is my child, and I am responsible


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