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内 容 摘 要 由美国次贷危机引起的全球经济危机愈演愈烈,对我国实体经济的发展也造成了很大的影响,特别是给我国出口型企业的生存发展带来了巨大的挑战。基于这样的严峻情形考虑,本文从经济危机的角度出发,分析了我国出口型企业在全球经济危机的情况下举步维艰的困境以及如何摆脱困境,进而对出口型企业提出了转向国内市场的建议,然后又对出口型企业转向国内市场会遇到的困难进行了分析,最后从两个层面分析了如何解决这些困难,进一步对会遇到的困难进行了分类:从企业角度出发,简单的介绍了一些成功企业转型的实例,说明企业要不断创新,提高自身的实力,增强品牌效应;从政府角度出发,本文主要介绍了政府应该要如何给与这些困难中的企业一些必要的扶持,如提供融资帮助、扩大内需等政策帮助企业度过难关。 关键词:出口型企业, 转型,国内市场,政策扶持 ABSTRACT By the U.S. sub-loan crisis caused growing global economic crisis ,making Chinas economic development entities have a great impact, especially to Chinas export-oriented enterprises, survival and development has brought enormous challenge. Based on such a serious case to consider in this paper from the economic crisis, the analysis of Chinas export-oriented enterprises in the global economic crisis and how the plight of difficult predicament, then countered the problems of export-oriented enterprises will meet, to put forward a proposal towards the domestic market, and then analysis the difficulties the export-oriented enterprises shifted to the domestic market will meet. Finally, two levels from the analysis of how to resolve these difficulties, further difficulties will be encountered in the classification: From the enterprise point of view, a number of brief examples of successful enterprises in transition shows that enterprises must continuously innovate and improve their strength, enhance the brand; From the Government point of view, this paper describes how the Government should given some of the necessary support to enterprises, such as providing financing and expending domestic demand to help companies tide over their difficulties and so on. KEYWORDS:export-oriented enterprises, transition, domestic market, support on policy 正文目录 第一章 引言 1 第二章 中国出口型企业当前的困境与出路 2 第一节 中国出口型企业的现状分析 2 第二节 出口型企业的出路 3 一、加力开拓国际市场,寻找新的盈利点 3 二、出口型企业加快转型,变出口为内销 4 第三章 出口型企业转向国内市场面临的困难及其对策 5 第一节 出口型企业转向国内市场面临的困难 6 一、出口型企业缺乏自己的品牌 6 二、出口型企业缺乏营销能力 6 三、如何扩大国内需求 6 四、出口型企业缺乏资金 7 第二节 出口型企业转向国内市场时遇到困难的解决对策 7 一、从企业自身的角度出发的解决


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