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中小企业人力资源分析与建议 (干银群) (西南科技大学网络学院( )专业 13春( )学) 【摘要】:随着我国经济的发展,现代中小企业在经济发展中的作用日益凸显,而在中小企业的管理中,经营者越来越重视对人力资源的管理,其中,最具挑战性的工作之一就是对企业内部人员的激励机制和管理体系的构建与实施。因为,在当前激烈的竞争环境下,哪家企业争取了企业最有利的资源——人才,谁就有可能取得市场竞争的胜利。因此,建立合理的工作人员的激励机制,为企业的员工创造人性化的工作环境,挽留和使用有用的人才,是中小企业生存和发展的根本。有鉴于此,本文运用激励理论,系统地从员工激励的理论、物质激励、精神激励、员工发展等方面探讨员工激励的问题。从薪酬制度、员工职业生涯与工作设计、职业培训、企业文化建设等方面,阐述企业员工激励的各种方法。本文首先介绍了员工人力资源机制的基本理论和概念,对杭州嘉杰公司及其员工人力资源机制发展现状进行分析,然后从中得出公司的员工人力资源机制中存在的问题及原因,最后得出完善杭州嘉杰公司员工人力资源机制的策略和建议。 【关键词】:杭州嘉杰公司 员工人力资源机制 薪酬制度 物质激励 精神激励 Analysis and suggestion of human resources of small and medium sized enterprises (Gan Yinqun) (Internet Network School of Economics, SWUST) Grade: Spring 2012 Class: Economics 【Abstract】:With the development of our national economy, the modern insurance industry in the economic development has become increasingly prominent, and in the insurance industry management, managers pay more and more attention to human resources management, among them, one of the most challenging work is the incentive mechanism of enterprise internal staff and pipe construction and implementation of management system. Because, in todays competitive environment, which enterprises fight for the most favorable -- talent resources of enterprises, who may have gained the victory in market competition. Therefore, to establish a rational incentive mechanism of staff, to create a humane working environment for employees, retain and use useful talent, is the fundamental survival and development of the insurance industry. In view of this, in this paper, the use of incentive theory, theory, material incentive, spirit incentive, employee development and other aspects of the system from the motivation of staff motivation problems. From the aspects of compensation system, employee occupation career and job design, occupation training, the construction of enterprise culture, the various methods of motivating employees. This paper first introduces the basic theory and concept of human resources staff


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