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毕业论文选题参考 (可不选以下参考题目,但选题一定要和英语有关) 《傲慢与偏见》中的写作手法 《第二十二条军规》与黑色幽默 《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的个人主义 《圣经》文体初探 《太阳照样升起》的人物性格和对话分析 爱玛的圆形人物 看不见的人中看得见的种族歧视 A Comparative Study in the Usage of Metaphor in English and Chinese Cultures Brand Names and Their Characteristics Characteristics and Roles of Effective Teachers Comment On the Themes of Sister Carrie Communicative Language Teaching in Middle School in China: Problems and Solutions Comparative Analysis of English Euphemisms and Chinese Euphemisms Contributions of Linguistic Researches to Language Teaching Cultural Differences of English and Chinese Democracy in Huckleberry Finn Differences Between British and American English Grammar Teaching in Communicative Language Teaching Hemingway and His Fictions Heroism in The Old Man and the Sea How to Cultivate Students’ Intercultural Communicative Competence How to Motivate Students in English Teaching Humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities Individualism in Robinson Crusoe Jane Eyre: The Epitome of Independence Jane Eyre: Theme Analysis Jane Eyre---A Girl in My Eyes Language and Culture Language and Society Lifelong Education Loanwords in English Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights Mark Twain: a Wild American Humor Marriage and Money in Pride and Prejudice Nonverbal Behaviors in Foreign Language Teaching On the Author’s Attitude to the Society in Pride and Prejudice Sexism in English Language Slavery in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Symbolism in Jude the Obscure Teacher’s Role in Adult Teaching Teaching Culture: an Integral Part of Middle School English Teaching Tess—Sense of Responsibility The Anti-war Theme of A Farewell to Arms The Artistic Charm of Little Women The Role of Learner Differences in Foreign Language Learning Tragedy in Mac Beth Using Computer to Optimize English Teaching Vagueness of the English Language 《简爱》中情爱的分析 奥斯丁在傲慢与偏见中的妇女意识 把高中英语课文作为一个有机的整体来进行教学 超越时空的莎士比亚 初中/高中英语教材中的文化因素 初中英语“先学后教”模式的尝试 初中英语教材Go for it的适应性研究 初中英语教学中游戏的运用 从文化角度论英汉典故翻译 从语境角度分析英汉互译中语言的得体 当代汉语文学与外国文学的联系


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