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茶 叶 Journa of T ea 2001, 27( 1): 44~ 47                   龚淑英 顾志蕾 陈利燕 (   310029)     , , 。 ( 100~ 110 mm ) , 2. 0~ 2. 5 , 80℃, 4 ; ,, 3. 0 ( 120 mm) , 70~ 75℃。  ;; ; : 57 1. 1   :     : 0577-892 1( 2001) 0 1-044 -04 S A Tests on the M ethods of Brewing th e needle-shape teas GON G Shuying GU Zhi ei CHEN Liyan ( D epart men t of T ea Science , Zh ejiang U niversit y , Hangzhou 310029)   A bstract Comparative tes ts on t he method of brew ing th e need e-sh ape t eas w ere carried ou t. Resu ts show ed that v a ue of enjoyment of s t raigh t n eed e-s hape tea w as b et t er than that of a i t t e curved need e-shape t ea wh en brew ing , and th e bes t qua i ty i nf usion of t he n eed e-s hape t ea in a g as s cou d be obt ain ed by usi ng m edium-si ze g ass es ( wi th 100~ 110mm i n ) , 2. 0~ 2. 5 80℃, - heigh t put ti ng g t ea and brewi ng at and t he bes t qua it y i nf usion of need e sh ape t ea i n a t ea pot cou d b e obt ain ed by u sing th e cy i nder g as s pot wi t h 120mm i n diamet er, pu t ting 3. 0 g tea and b rewi ng at 70~ 75℃. key words N eed e-sh ape t ea; brew ing ; enjoyment    。 ,。 , , ,, , ,, 。 ,,,, ,。 ,。,。 1  ,。 1. 1  “ 1. 1. 1 茶样为市售针形茶:①② ”,, ③④() , ,, 1。   : 2000- 12- 14 : , ( 1962- ),,。 第 1期 龚淑英等  针型茶的形态与冲泡方法对冲泡效果的影响  4 5 1. 1. 2 茶杯: 110m m; 1150m。 。: 140m m, 1. 2  56mm , 20mm; : 97mm , 1. 2. 1 冲泡水温试验


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