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14 6 Vo l. 14 No . 6 2007 12 Research of So il and Water Co nserv atio n Dec. , 2007 * A rcG S 以迁安市水资源评价为例 1 1 2 周 娟 , 李志萍, 徐贵新 ( 1. , 450011; 2. , 130012) : G S , , Ar cG S , A rcG S A rcObj ects , G S : A rcG S; ; ; : P331 : A : 2007) Development and Appli cation of Water Resources Evaluation System Based on ArcGIS A Case Study in Q ianan City 1 1 2 ZH OU Juan , L Zhiping , XU Guix in ( 1. N or th China Univ ers ity of Water Conserv ancy and Electr ic Po wer , Zhengz hou 450008, China; 2. J ilin Pr ov ince nv estig ation, D esig n and R esearch nstitute of Water Conserv ancy and H y dr oelectr ic Pow er , Chang chun 1300 12, China) Abstract: Geo gr aphic info rmatio n sy st em has the for midable spatial dat a manag ement and analysis abilit y, but lacks of the sup por t of the specialized mo del in the w ater resources manag ement . T his paper unifies w ater resources evaluat ion of Q ianan city and elabor ates the key techno lo gies about development of w ater r esources ev aluation system such as develo pment env ir onment, development patter n and so on based on A rcG S. T he system, w hich is based on soft platfor m of A rcG S A rcO bj ect s compo nent , is the integ ratio n sy st em of G S g ener al functions and specialized applicat ion funct ion and possesses the function of data lay er editio n, spatia l analy sis, special cha rt manufactur


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