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污染变质食品引起急性胃肠炎调查探析   摘要: 目的:探讨污染变质食品引起急性胃肠炎的原因,做好学校卫生的安全监督工作。方法:在学校2016年5月5日到2016年5月12日期?g以问卷调查方式随机抽取350例学生,将因食用污染变质食品引起急性胃肠炎者11例为研究对象,对其进行卫生学调查、实验室检测等,确定其发生急性胃肠炎的病因和致病菌,并据此提出相关防控对策。结果:本组11名急性胃肠炎患者的患病率是3.14%(11/350),男6例,女5例,从25宗粪便、8宗肛拭子中检测出7宗诺如病毒,未检出的食物中毒为常见致病菌。结论:本组急性胃肠炎学生是因食用污染变质食品所致,其主要致病原因是诺如病毒感染,应加强对学校所提供食品安全性的卫生管理,并加强学生的防病意识宣传教育,做到早发现、早处理,积极控制急性胃肠炎,确保疫情或事件控制于萌芽状态 Abstract: Objective: To investigate the reasons of acute gastroenteritis caused by tainted food, and to do a good job on safety supervision of school health. Methods: During May 5, 2016 to May 12, 2016 by questionnaires randomly the school selected 350 students, took 11 cases of acute gastroenteritis caused by spoiled food as the research object, and conducted a Hygienic investigation, the laboratory testing and so on, to determine the causes and pathogens of acute gastroenteritis, and then put forward relevant countermeasures. Results: The prevalence rate in this group of 11 patients with acute gastroenteritis is 3.14%(11/350), male 6 cases, female 5 cases; from the 25 cases of feces, 8 cases of anal swab, 7 cases of Norovirus were detected, and the food poisoning which has not been detected was caused by a common pathogen. Conclusion: This group of students with acute gastroenteritis is due to eating contaminated food; the main causes are norovirus infection, so it should strengthen the health management of food safety in schools, and strengthen the education of students’ awareness of disease prevention, in order to realize early detection, early treatment, positive control of acute gastroenteritis, and ensure the epidemic or event controlled in the bud. 关键词: 污染变质食品;急性胃肠炎;病因;流行病学;对策 Key words: tainted food;acute gastroenteritis;etiology;Epidemiology;countermeasures 中图分类号:R573 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2017)06-0220-02 0 引言 本校学生在2016年5月5日到2016年5月12日期间出现了11例因食用污染变质食品而引发急性胃肠炎,其均有程度不等的呕吐、腹痛等急性胃肠炎典型临床表现。根据其实验室检测结果以及研究对象的临床表现,判定该起事件是因诺如病毒感染所致的急性胃肠炎的聚集性事件,本组患者均为轻型病症,并经门诊治疗后痊愈 本次事件经过卫生部门调查主要原因


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