15春西交《财务与税收(高起专)》在线功课 满分谜底(国外英语资料).doc

15春西交《财务与税收(高起专)》在线功课 满分谜底(国外英语资料).doc

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15春西交《财务与税收(高起专)》在线功课 满分谜底(国外英语资料)

15春西交《财政与税收(高起专)》在线作业 满分答案 Finance and taxes (high school) in the spring of the year Exam time: 100 test time: Single topic selection Multiple choice True or false (20 questions in total, 40 points.) The products and services used to meet the needs of society are called () Public goods Public goods Public service Social product Full marks: 2 Government spending on raw materials and land, labor, capital, and direct government expenditure by the government is called () A. purchase expenses B. Transfer expenditures Production expenditure Basic expenditure Full marks: 2 Import taxable consumer goods, which shall be calculated in accordance with the tax price and the prescribed tax rate, and the formula for the tax price shall be (). A. The price of A tax is equal to the customs duty The price of a tax is equal to the customs duty and the tariff/(1 - consumption tax rate) C. The price of a tax is equal to the customs duty plus the duty plus VAT The price of a tax is equal to the customs duty, plus the tariff / 1 + consumption tax Full marks: 2 The main objective of the fiscal performance of income distribution is (). The resource allocation is efficient B. realize the average distribution of income C. realize the fair distribution of income D. achieve steady economic growth Full marks: 2 The governments expenditure on the redistribution of purchasing power between citizens is called () A. allocate expenses Welfare payments C. Transfer expenditures Purchasing power Full marks: 2 A retail business is an average taxpayer with a monthly sales income of 2,9250 yuan (including taxes). The companys monthly tax sales are (). 25000 A. 25884 B. 27594 C. 29250 D. Full marks: 2 On the concept of taxation, the following statement is reasonable () A. taxes are an important means of adjusting the economy B. taxes are the price people pay for public goods The tax reflects the equality of exchanges between the two sides D. taxes are the form of national income Full marks: 2 The taxable



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