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朗朗书声盈校园 Lang lang has a good habit of growing up on campus -- a practical study of the practice of reading aloud in elementary school 【 abstract 】 New standard pointed out that the grade of reading teaching is to attach importance to reading aloud. Let the students read in full, overall awareness in the reading, in reading comprehension, reading in cultivating language sense, by emotional edification in the reading. The importance of reading aloud training in primary school language teaching. In this paper, the author will study from elementary school stage to start the importance of reading habit, start reading habits problems of the students and how to cultivate students reading habit, these three aspects. 【 keywords 】 reading habits Reading aloud is not an overnight thing, it takes time to polish, and it is more necessary to read the habit of reading aloud. The educator Confucius said, the youth bureau is an adult, the habit is often. Reading habits are more important to junior students than reading. Therefore, teachers should pay more attention to the reading habits of students. A good reading habit is a prerequisite for reading aloud. Having a good reading habit is a lifelong benefit for students. First, it helps motivate students to learn. By reading aloud, students are more likely to enter the text and feel the role. Secondly, for junior students, good reading habits are an important channel for students to accumulate good words. Reading regularly helps enrich students vocabulary and broadens their knowledge. Thirdly, the habit of reading aloud can help cultivate the sense of language and lay a solid foundation for future studies. Mr Yip said: the more you read, the more you speak, the more you will command the words. The language teaching should let the student understand, read the comprehension. First, study reading the present situation, point out the habit problem The author found that the students of the learning period had the following problems in rea



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