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比较下列一组句子 注意括号中单词所作的成分以及它们的位置。 Teachers are (skillful) professionals. People ( from all walks of life ) will celebrate their own holiday. The clothes ( worn by fashion models) seem strange to us. 比较下列两句子,分析成分 Teachers are (skillful) professionals. Teachers are professionals ( who work in schools, colleges and universities ). 本课的主题是- 定语从句 The Relative Clause (The Attributive Clause) 定语从句的语法术语 Surgeons are a special kind of doctors who operate on sick people. 关系词的作用 1、连接作用 把主句和从句连接起来 2、替代作用 在从句中代替先行词 3、成分作用 在从句中充当一个成分 关系词种类 关系词 关系代词 who 主语/宾语 先行词是人 whom 宾语 关 that 主语/宾语/表语 系 whose 定语 代 词 which 主语/宾语 先行词是物 that 主语/宾语 whose 定语 关系代词作主语 Steve Jobs was a person who/that invented I-pod, I-pad and I-phone. Surgeons repair the organs that/which no longer work properly. I’m looking forward to the military training(军训) that/which will take place in about 10 days. 请用定语从句合并以下句子 I’m a high school student. I’m learning relative clause. Who am I ? Which woman is a teacher? The woman who/that lives next door is a teacher. 关系代词作宾语 The museum he visited yesterday was built 200 years ago. He is a great painter we all admire. 关系代词作定语 David Beckham is a footballer whose appearance is wonderful. I lived in a room whose window faces south. 关系代词作表语 Shanghai is no long the city (that) it used to be 10 years ago. Jack is the only doctor (that) there is in the lonely village. 用定语从句合并以下句子 She was a student ten years ago. She is no longer a student. She is no longer a student (that) she was ten years ago. 关系代词选择 – 技巧(先行词/从句成分) 1. Would you mind lending me the bike ________ you have just bought? 2. I want to see and thank the man _______ daughter helped me


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