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Against bear bile 这个辩题的本质实际上是讨论人该如何与动物相处。随着人类社会的发展,文明与道德的发展也使得这个问题浮上台面。 回想活熊取胆,儒家讲究的仁爱就是推己及人。而今天这套自私自利的价值观也是推己及人。可见人类的价值判断和行为标准判断是在一个标准下普遍统一的。 From the human point of view, extracting bear bile is immoral, people can use artificial bear bile. Secondly, we all know that extracting bear bile is access to the live bear, thats bound to bring great harm to the animals themselves. 从人性的角度来看,活熊取胆是不道德的,人们完全可以采用人工熊胆其次,我们都知道活熊取胆是取用的活熊,必然会给动物本身带来极大的伤害。 Currently, extracting bear bile will bring to bear the pain technically. Since has the same efficacy of artificial bear bile, it is no need to create a natural bear bile. 一:目前对于活熊取胆,技术上仍会给熊带来痛苦。 二:既然拥有了同样药效的人工熊胆,就没必要制作天然熊胆。 Bear bile - extraction techniques 熊胆 - 提取技术 Several techniques for extracting bile have been developed, all of them inhumane and painful. 提取胆汁的几个技术已经开发,他们所有的不人道和痛苦 1. Latex catheter 乳胶导管 2. Metal jacket 金属护套 3. Metal catheter 金属导管 4. “Free-dripping technique “自由滴落”技术 5. Fake-free dripping technique “假无滴水”技术 we focus on the first and the second methods. 我们重点介绍第一和第二种方法。 1. Latex catheter 乳胶导管 Latex catheter 乳胶导管 A narrow rubber pipe is embedded under the skin, and surgically attached to the gall bladder. 在皮肤下嵌入一个狭窄的橡胶管,手术胆囊。The farmer then extracts the bile through the pipe which exits the skin at the top of the bears thigh. 然后,农民退出的皮肤在熊的大腿顶部通过管道抽取胆汁。 2. Metal jacket 金属护套 Metal jacket 金属护套 A rubber pipe is connected to a fluid bag inside a metal box, which is attached to a metal ‘jacket’ tightly holding the box in place under the bears abdomen. 橡胶管连接到一个铁箱内的液体袋,这是连接到金属外套“到位紧紧地抱着熊的腹部下的框。 The bile drained through the rubber pipe is emptied every two weeks by the farmer. 通过橡胶管排出的胆汁排空每两个星期由农民提取。 Bear because of the pain in chewing their paws 熊因为痛苦在咀嚼他们的爪子 In order to increase the outflow of bile,bear farms with a special needle headlong into the gallbladder bile extraction. 为了增加胆汁的流出量,熊场会用特制的针管扎进胆囊抽取胆汁.


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