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W: From here, the mountains look as if you could just reach out and touch them. M: That’s why I chose this lodge. It has one of the best views in Switzerland. Q: What is the man’s chief consideration in choosing the lodge? 3. A) It is a routine offer. B) It is quite healthy. C) It is new on the menu. D) It is a good bargain. M: Miss, can I interest you in the pork special we’re serving tonight? It’s only $7.99, half the usual price, and it’s very tasty. W: Oh, really? I’ll try it. Q: What does the man say about the dish? [Ⅱ]长对话及短文听力 1,(主)视听一致原则 2,(次)同意替换原则 3,开头结尾原则 4,因果转折原则 19. A) Beautiful scenery in the countryside. C) Pain and pleasure in sports. B) Dangers of cross-country skiing . D) A sport he participates in. ?20. A) He cant find good examples to illustrate his point. B)He cant find a peaceful place to do the assignment. C)He doesnt know how to describe the beautiful country scenery. D)He cant decide whether to include the effort part of skiing. 21. A) New ideas come up as you write. B)Much time is spent on collecting data. C)A lot of effort is made in vain. D)The writers point of view often changes. 因果: Because/why/so/if/as/since/for/reason/cause/ lead to/thanks to/owing to/due to/therefore/ as a result 转折: But/however/yet/though/despite/in spite of/while/not only…but also…/nonetheless/ actually in fact/as a matter of fact/ to tell you the truth/on one hand…on the other hand/ not even Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) Beautiful scenery in the countryside. C) Pain and pleasure in sports. B) Dangers of cross-country skiing . D) A sport he participates in. ?20. A) He cant find good examples to illustrate his point. B)He cant find a peaceful place to do the assignment. C)He doesnt know how to describe the beautiful country scenery. D)He cant decide whether to include the effort part of skiing. 21. A) New ideas come u


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