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二维梁的固有频率和振型201311(国外英语资料) This procedure can be used for numerical / theoretical calculations to compare the natural frequencies and mode shapes of two dimensional cantilevers Clear% empty data, otherwise, it might be wrong to draw vector dimension due to using the previous data Yyy=inline (cos (H), *cosh (H), +1,H);% produces equation cos (H) *cosh (H) =-1 numerical solution I=1; For a=1:0.01:100 B=a+0.01; Aa= (COS (a) *cosh (a) +1); Bb= (COS (b) *cosh (b) +1); If aa*bb=0 Jie (I) =fzero (YYY, [a, b]); I=i+1; End End Jie;%jie is the vector of numerical solutions; here are 32 numerical solutions %----------------------------- Fprintf (this procedure can be used to calculate the natural frequencies and modes of the cantilever beam \n\n); F=input (the number of elements in the input beam is about to be divided into several parts: ); the% beam is divided into f parts Js=input (enter the first JS to be viewed (no more than 32, no more than the number of elements of the beam): vibration mode: );% can view the 1--js order of the figure E=7e10: modulus of elasticity of% beam I=1e-2; sectional moment of inertia of a beam L=1; length of% beam P=3e3: density of% beam A=1e-2; sectional area of% beam L=l/f; the length of the unit beam Num=2* (f+1); total free degree of% unit beam Ke=E*I/ (L^3), *[12, -6*L, -12, -6*L, stiffness matrix of% beam element, mechanical vibration foundation, P137 -6*L 4*L^2 6*L 2*L^2; -12 6*L 12 6*L; -6*L 2*L^2 6*L 4*L^2]; Me=p*A*L/420*[156 -22*L 54 13*L; consistent mass matrix of% beam element; mechanical vibration foundation; P138 -22*L 4*L^2 -13*L -3*L^2; 54 -13*L 156 22*L; 13*L, -3*L^2, 22*L, 4*L^2;]; K=zeros (Num);% initialization, total stiffness matrix elements, all 0 M=zeros (Num);% initializes the total mass matrix element, all 0 For n=0:f-1; For i=1:4; For j=1:4; K (i+2*n, j+2*n) =k (i+2*n, j+2*n) +ke (I, J);% element stiffness matrix elements are placed in the total stiffness matrix M (i+2*n, j+2*n) =m (i+2*n, j+2*n) +me (I, J);% cell mass m


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