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口袋妖怪白金攻略(国外英语资料) 圆朱 City City Huai 树市 Sophora japonica and Ecruteak City In this 现实 Huai 树市 with Kyoto City is the archetypal about history and legend of the 满了 kokou , charge of 沉淀 at comic 步在 cloth 满枫 Kano general Huai 树市 , integral urban 变得 Yoshikazu kana at individual deductible 说黄 Kaneshiro is 净土 area economic center , Na 么槐 树市 is 净土 cultural center and the core spirit Go ahead of the rest 一下吧 PC Center (见正 treated as they are doing what they ,) right after removal of central and 厅 at 一进屋看见一个火箭队员正在纠缠之前见到的舞子小姐. Take a hit 败 arrows 队员 , 胜利 empress , table of 一位老头会走上来 , feeding 给你 HM Chong, wave Can , 继续 improvement was left at 边 column of 焚烧 gang 一进塔 , right , 碰见 Ryo US Na kimikazu demon system 馆主 Komatsu. To improve 继续 again next 见对 hand , 进入 战斗 kana ultra sound and a small magnetic mystery 蝠 LV 18 and 22 and this demon LV LV 20 20 LV main angle 阵容 , 应该 an association with 很难 description about construction of 败他 继续 Xiang Village after running on the , can see the end 见楼 ladder at 二层 , 从楼 ladder after watching 三圣兽 (see under water 三个方向逃走了 if you , flame emperor emperor , lightning 三只圣兽看见主角之后突然复苏 , 并向 left and right under the empress 从此 with variable in our earth 图随 它们 in universities. Aspectual , out again, you 这时 rice after running 掉了 对话 Na Ryo 三圣兽 release running, lavori parties was 战鬼 challenge system of 馆吧. Association of 馆内 一片漆黑 , 一共只有一条通路. In 每次 拐弯 处会 碰见 NPC at 这时 , 一定要记住 NPC Zhou 围: mitsuaki , path and come in contact 显示 为这 个光 Teresa. To complete the construction NPC empress , 视野 suddenly 彻底 black lacquer. I need 这时 , 们需 凭借 刚才 记忆 before an international , adnate to 见的 进 path. You 而如 fruit having 记住 path is not running on the , timid 过了 , Association 掉入 dark times in , GYM 门口 终于 见到 Ryo 馆主. This 鳄鱼 hole for global search is a basic 咬碎 , ting good. I was out of the 啥建 议了 suspensory LV 21 21 design LV demon demon demon operation with such LV 23 through 25 LV Geng demon Can badge 拿到 Ryo , LV below 50 PM Cong clothes , Chong ground wave 图上 can use to get the bal


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