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泛珠论坛贵州共识(国外英语资料) Guizhou consensus (Quan Wen): Deepening regional cooperation in the Pan Pearl River Delta 2013-09-10 08:32 source: jinqianzaixian - Guizhou daily Share to: 1 (September 9, 2013) The pan PRD Regional Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the pan PRD cooperation) has been carried out, the CPC Central Committee, under the leadership of the State Council, with the support of relevant state departments, through the joint efforts of all parties, and constantly improve the cooperation mechanism, expanding areas of cooperation, deepen cooperation consensus, and constantly improve the overall force. In the new situation, further deepening the pan PRD cooperation, in accordance with the partys eighteen comprehensive construction of a well-off society and the national implementation of the overall strategy for regional development plan, in line with the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao, to meet the needs of sustainable development of regional economy, it is the common aspiration of all parties. Through consultations and studies, the pan PRD cooperation parties have reached the following consensus on further deepening cooperation: (1) persist in serving the overall situation of the countrys development, and plan regional cooperation in the Pan Pearl River region. Actively implement the national strategy for regional development, promote the great western development priorities, and vigorously promote the rise of the central region, actively support regional development, further integration of the pan PRD regional resources, pay more attention to enrich the content of cooperation and enhance the level of cooperation, pragmatic and efficient to promote pan PRD cooperation, together to create East West interaction and complementary and coordinated development the demonstration area, to take more responsibility for the overall development of the national service. (two) adhere to the comparative advantages and accelerate the development of


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