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Assembly (Asm) programming statement commands:
Assembly Asm compiles the instruction statement
MOV (MOVE) passes instructions
PUSH to stack instruction
POP out stack instruction
XCHG (eXCHanG) exchange instructions
XLAT (TRANSLATE) exchange code
The Load Effective Address sends the register instructions
The LDS (Load DS with pointer) pointer to the register and the DS command
The Load ES with pointer pointer sends registers and ES instructions
The LAHF (Load AH with Flags) flag sends AH instructions
The Store AH into Flgs AH sends flag register instructions
PUSHF (PUSH the Flags) marks the stack instruction
POPF (POP the Flags) Flags the stack instruction
ADD ADD instruction
The ADC carries the add instruction
INC + 1 command
SUB (SUBtract) does not take the subtraction instruction
SuVtrach with borrow instructions to borrow
DEC (DECrement) minus 1 point
NEG (NEGate) asks for a supplementary instruction
The CMP (CoMPare) comparison instruction
The MUL (unsinged MULtiple) unsigned multiply instructions
There is an IMUL (sIgned MUL tiple) that has a symbol number multiplication directive
DIV (unsigned DIVide) no sign division instructions
IDIV (sIgned DIVide) has symbolic number division instructions
The Count Byte to Word bytes are converted into Word instructions
The Count Word to Doble Word is converted into a two-word instruction
DAA compression BCD addition decimal adjustment instructions
DAS compression BCD subtraction decimal adjustment instructions
AAA unpacked BCD addition decimal adjustment instructions
AAS unpacked BCD addition decimal adjustment instructions
AND logic AND instructions
OR logic OR instruction
XOR logic or instruction
NOT logical non-directive
TEST instruction
SHift logical Letf logic left instruction
SHift logical Right. Logical Right SHift instruction
Rotate Left loop Left instruction P58
The Rotate Right circulates the Right move P58
The Rotate Left through Carry carries the Carry loop to the Left
The Rotate Right
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