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微机原理考题(国外英文资料) (1) MOV SI, 100 is correct. Source: immediate number addressing, purpose: register addressing (2) MOV BX, VAR1 [SI] Correct. Source: register relative addressing, purpose: register addressing (3) MOV AX, [BX] Correct. Source: register indirect addressing, purpose: register addressing (4) MOV AL, [DX] Error. When the register is indirectly addressed, the DX, AX, and CX cannot be used as the address register (5) MOV BP, AL error. The operands are inconsistent (6) MOV VAR1, VAR2 error. There is no MOV command transfer data between two storage units (7) MOV CS, AX error. The CS is not operable for the destination (8) MOV DS, 0100H error. When the operation number is a segment register, the number of source operands cannot be counted immediately (9) MOV [BX] [SI], one mistake. The instructions are variable. (10) MOV AX, VAR1 + VAR2 Error. You cant complete addition in a MOV command (11) ADD AX, LENGTH VAR1 is correct. Source: immediate number addressing. Purpose: register addressing (12) OR BL, TYPE VAR2 is correct. Source: immediate number addressing. Purpose: register addressing (13) SUB [DI], 78H error. Directive type uncertainty (14) MOVS VAR1, VAR2 Correct. The purpose and source are implicit addressing. Operands only indicate operand types (15) PUSH 100 h Error. Push the constants into the stack, which are implemented by registers (16) the POP CS error. The target operands cannot be CS (17) XCHG AX, ES error. The operands of an XCHG instruction cannot be a segment register (18) MOV DS, CS Error. The MOV command cannot be from the segment register to the segment register (19) JMP L1 + 5 Correct. Direct transfer within a segment (20) DIV AX, 10 Error. Error in instruction format. SHL BL (21), 2 Error. The shift number of the shift instructions is one or CL (22) MOV AL, 15 + 23 Correct. Source: immediate number addressing, purpose: register. The compile time is handled at 38 (23) the MUL CX Correct. Source: register addressing, purpose: register address



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