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第3章 80X86微处理器(国外英文资料)
第3章 80X86微处理器(国外英文资料)
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Chapter 3:80x86 microprocessors
One, self-test practice problem
Choice question
Because 8086 cpus can be stored in an in-memory, dual address unit
It can also be arranged in the odd address unit
So its stack pointer, SP ()
A. it is best to point to the even address unit B. You can point to any address unit
C. can only point to an even address d. can only point to the odd address
The 2.8086/8088 microprocessors can calculate the addition of 20 physical addresses that access the internal memory ().
A.A LU B. The c. instruction queue d. internal general purpose register
The external data bus and the address bus of the 3.8086 CPU are ()
16 A.
16 B.
16 16 C.
D. 20
The address of the instruction code is in the register ()
A.D S and SI b.x and BP C.E S and DI d.c. S and IP
In the biggest way
The signal for the control bus comes from ()
A. 8282.8288
In 8086 6.
A basic bus cycle consists of () a clock cycle
A. one b. two c. three d. four
7. In the 8086 CPU
Data address pins () are used for time-division reuse
A.A D0 ~ AD15 B.A D0 ~ AD20
The 8.8086 CPU divides 1MB space into several logical segments
Each segment contains the maximum () number of storage units
A: A
When the position OF position in the flag register is 1
The word that represents a symbol is beyond the data () range
A. -128 - + 127. -32768 ~ + 32767
The bus write cycle
In (), you do not need to maintain a cycle of empty states to buffer against a cycle
A. -32767 ~ + 32767. -32767 ~ + 32768
C. -32768 ~ + 327667. -32766 ~ + 32769
The CPU executes the instructions
BIU completes the access process for memory or I/O ports
Its called ()
A. clock cycle b. bus cycle
BHE and A0 cooperate to determine whether the data to access the memory is high byte or low byte work
Its BHE is valid only in the period of the bus cycle ()
A.T, 1, t, 2, c, t, 3, D.T 4
The m
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