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计算机课后题答案(国外英文资料) Problem sets 1 Choice question 1B 2D 3B 4A 5B 6C 7C 2, fill in the blanks 1.. obj 2. The function / * * * * Int a, b a, b Problem set 2 Choice question 1B. 1B. 1B 2, fill in the blanks 1. The variable Storage unit One zero (1) a = 0 (2) 0 5. 1 6. 1 7. - 30 38 8. (1) 4 (2) 7. -6177772 (bit arithmetic) 11. 9.9 12. 7 Write the running results of the following program 1. 0,0,5 2. 18 64, 512, 8 4. 5 D4, 33 (bit arithmetic) Four, programming questions (for reference) 1. # include stdio, h # define PI (3.14159) Void main () {float r, s, Scanf ( % f , r); S = PI * r * r; Printf ( r = %. 2f, s = %. 2f \ n , r, s); } 2, # include stdio, h Void main () {char c1 and c2. Scanf ( % c , c1); C2 = c1 + 32; Printf ( % c \ n , c2); } Problem set 3 A, multiple choice 1C 2C Second, fills up the topic 1. -50, 300a = -50, b = 300 A is equal to minus 50, b is equal to 300 2. 10 20 30 10, 30 A = 10, 20, b = c = 30 3. 15, 0, 0 Write the running results of the following program A = 789.654321, a = 789.65, a = 789 a = 789.654321 B = 15, b = 17, b = f C = 1, x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 4. 21 20, 20 216,180 (or 216,125) A = a, b = d, c = F 7. 9, 4, 12, 12 X = 4.500000, y = 4, x + y = 8.500000 Four, programming questions (for reference) 1. # include stdio, h Void main () { Printf ( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ n HAPPY NEW YEAR! \ n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ n ); } 2. Note: the following (1) and (2) only the red statements are different, the rest are the same. (1) # include stdio, h Void main () { Int a, b, c, Max; A is 5, b is 8, c is 10; If (a b) Max = a; The else Max = b; If (Max c) Max = c; Printf ( Max = % d \ n , Max); } (2) # include stdio, h Void main () { Int a, b, c, Max; Scanf (% d, % d, % d). If (a b) Max = a; The else Max = b; If (Max c) Max = c; Printf ( Max = % d \ n , Max); } Problem sets 4 A, multiple choice 1D 2D 3C 4a 5D 6a 7C 8C 9D 10B Second, fills up the topic 6, 5, 5 A % 3 is equal to 0, |, | a



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