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商务技能综合实训报告 姓 名 : 李梦超 刘明远 学 号 : 20111711029 20111711010 所属院系: 商务外语系 专 业: 11本英 指导教师: 张欣欣 ⅠExporter’s Company Information YISHION CO. LTD. founded in 1997, the headquarters is located in Dongguan city, a very famous Chinese fashion town. It rolls up the design, procurement, production and marketing into one, provides the customer the high quality fashion clothing, with global consumers share YISHION product of fashion. Today, the YISHION brands with more than 3000 stores in China and all over the world. The company has five series of products, to meet the needs of all kinds of customers in different market segments. YISHION is Chinas leading brand fashion apparel to retail sales, has been awarded the Chinese famous brand and Chinese well-known trademark honor. The tel. (+86)0769Address Guangdong province Dongguan industrial zone under the new pure industrial park road  = 2 \* ROMAN II Exporter’s Products Information The company has five big series of products to meet the needs of all kinds of customers in different market segments. Five fashion series are as follows: Y: youth 2 brand Fashion TRENDY series City business URBAN series Childrens clothing KIDS513 series YISHION 1 JEANS series  = 3 \* ROMAN III How To Get The Buyer’s Information From FOB Business Forum  = 4 \* ROMAN IV Buyer’s Information Buyer: Legend Clothing (FOB Business Forum) Inquiry information: Hello, my name is Li meng chao, i am the current owner of legend clothing Inc. we specialize in trendy mens and womens casual clothing. At the current moment we are in the production phase and are looking for a clothing manufacturer for our fall?? Main Products: Legend clothing?? E-mail address: legend_clothing@  = 5


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