
演示文稿1 ppt小姑娘 2.ppt

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An a day keeps the doctor away. * * * * 每天一个苹果,疾病远离我。 Orange Apple Banana Watermelon What fruit do you like? Strawberry Grape I like ...... I dont like...... I like A better than B. How to express preference ??? prefer would rather Prefer: 1. I prefer A. 2. I prefer A to B. 4. I prefer doing A to doing B. 3. I perfer to do / doing A. Practice 1. spring summer winter autumn ?Which season do you prefer? I / you prefer summer. I / you prefer autumn to winter. She / he prefers spring. She / he prefers summer to autumn. ?Which season does her / him prefer? How do you spend your weekend? Practice 2. * stay at home . * do my homework. * watch a movie. * go shopping. * visit my friend. ...... ? I prefer doing A to doing B. ? I prefer to do A. ? I prefer doing A e.g. I prefer to do my homework. I prefer watching. I prefer staying at home to going shopping. Pair work: Each group choose one of the following. You decide the role you play. The only requirement: use the expresssion I prefer... we learned. Situation 1. You and your friend are going to go to the cinema on sunday. There are many different types of films shown. You and your frirend are discussing what movie you want to see.... (comedy; thriller; war movie; cartoon; action movie......) Situation 2. You and your sister / brother are buying cloths in a store.The dress takes your fancy(中意)and both of you just want to buy it .The dress has five colors: yelllow, green, white, red, orange, blue. You have to make a decision anout which dress to buy. Situation 3. Summer vocation is coming. You and your classmates are discussing how to spend the summer. [go on a trip with your parents; do part-time job;go to cram school (上补习班);learning English ; stay at home.] * *


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