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会语法的孩子会学习! 虚拟语气 If I ____ (be) in your position, I _________ (ask) for teacher’s help. I wish it would rain tomorrow. 课时小结虚拟语气(比较异同) If I were a student, I would focus my attention on my study.On the one hand,I request that my teacher should be more patient with me,on the other hand ,I wish I would listen carefully in class. whats more ,I would rather that I had worked hard in grade one.As far as I am concerned,Tinghua University is my dream,if only I could be admitted to Tinghua University!However,students of Tinghua University have no Saturday,no Sunday,no holiday.As a consequence,its high time that I studied hard. Homework: 1.课后拓展之高考链接 2.自主学习P130语法专练 * * 让我们赢在起跑线上 经住寂寞,用心重复 Grasp the usage of the Subjunctive Mood 虚拟语气 课前预习之语法导入 1.如果没有新的颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时代著名的杰作。 2.如果人们没有发现透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画。 3.如果没有印象派,那么这许多不同的风格就不可能存在 Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic picture. Without the Impressionists,many of these painting styles might not exist. 课前预习之语法导入 4.If he had not lost his money, he ____ the piano last week. A .would buy B. had bought C. could have bought D. bought 5.I don’t think that I shall fail. But if I ____, I would try again. A. fail B. would fail C. should fail D. had failed 6.?I wish I ____ able to tell him all about it last night. A. was???? B. were??? C. had been??? D. should be 7. The man insisted that he _____ there. should send???? B. would be sent??? C. sent??????? D. be sent 爱上了语法—— 妈妈再也不用担心我的学习了, so easy!拿着打火机,拿着英语书, 哪里不会点哪里! 英语动词有三种语气, 陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。 The Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气) 虚拟语气表示说话人的某种假设、愿望、怀疑、猜测、建议等含义,即动词所表示的动作或状态并非事实,或不可能实现 。 if条件句 现在 过去 将来 宾语从句 特殊句式 一坚持 二命令 三建议 四要求 外加推荐 wish that would rathe


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