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What is Subjective Mood? I am not a bird, so I can’t fly to the sky. 我不是鸟,不能在空中飞翔。(事实) →如果我是鸟,那我就能在空中飞翔了。(假设) If I were a bird, I could fly to the sky. I had no time last weekend, so I couldn’t go shopping with my friends. 我上周末没时间,所以不能跟朋友们去逛街。(事实) →如果我上周末有时间的话,我就能跟朋友们一起去逛街了。(假设) If I had had time last weekend, I could have gone shopping with my friends. 2012 won’t be the end of the world, so living things in the earth will continue to live. 2012年不是世界末日,所以地球生命仍将继续生存。(事实) →如果2012年是世界末日,那么地球生命将会灭绝。(假设、推测) If 2012 were the end of the world, living things in the earth would die out. I am not the president.(事实) → I wish I were the president.(愿望) The injured man acted as if nothing had happened. 那个受伤的男子行动起来仿佛什么事也没有一样。(怀疑、推测) 【归纳】 虚拟语气:表示说话人所说的话不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。 一. 虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中 【观察】 If I won the lottery(彩票)now, I would buy an expensive car. 2. If I had a lot of money now, I could buy a big house. 3. If you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint? (P1) 【归纳】 1. 表示与现在事实相反的假设, 从句谓语动词: 一般过去时(be 动词的过去式用were) 主句谓语动词: would / should/ could / might + 动词原形 a. If they ____ (be) here now, they __________ (take) your advice. b. If the world-war _____ (burst) out again, what _____________ (happen) to our people on earth? c. If the policeman ________ (be not) in that room now, it ________ (be) very dangerous. d. If I ____ (be) in your position, I _________ (ask) for teacher’s help. 【观察】 1. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. (P2 Line26) 2. If we had had enough rain last year, we could have gained a good harvest. 3. If you had worked hard last term, you would have easily passed the final examination. 【归纳】 2.表示与过去的事实相反的假设, 从句谓语: had+过去分词(过去完成时) 主句谓语: should/would/could/might have + 过去分词 a. If Tom ________ (be) more careful in the exam last week, he ________________ (pass) it already. b. If you _______ (get) up earlier this morning, you ________________ (catch) the first train.


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