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Para.6;On a dark night 一般我们常用的搭配是at night,in the morning,但如果night、morning这些表示某时间的词语前面有修饰,就要用到on。 e.g. on a raining morning on a windy afternoon;It was raining when I started home that night ; gusty winds and slashing rain beat down on the car as I drove slowly down one of the less-traveled roads. ;gusty adj. 阵风的,刮风的,突发的 gusty winds 阵阵大风 slashing (slash的现在分词) adj.猛烈的,凌厉的 n.猛砍,砍击,鞭打 --slash v.猛砍,严厉批评 n.砍,劈,切口,砍痕 ;less-traveled adj.少人行驶的, 不经常走的 形容词 + 过去分词 = 新的形容词 e.g. good-tasted bad-behaved;It was raining when I started home that night ; (when 引导的时间状语从句) gusty winds and slashing rain beat down on the car as I drove slowly down one of the less-traveled roads. (as引导的时间状语从句) -----狂风阵阵,倾盆大雨敲打着车身,我缓缓地驾车沿着一条车辆罕至的公路行驶。 ;Suddenly the steering wheel jerked in my hands and the car swerved violently to the right.;steer v.驾驶(船、汽车等),行驶, 操纵 n.肉用公牛 steering wheel 方向盘,舵轮;jerk (jerked, jerked) v.急拉,猛推 (通常与adv./prep.连用) e.g. She jerked her head up. 她猛然抬起头来。 He jerked the phone away from her. 他猛然一下从她那儿把电话抢走。 n.急拉,猛推,猝然一动;swerve vi.突然转向,急转弯 e.g. She swerved sharply to avoid a passer-by. 她猛地急转弯以躲开 一个路人。 n.突然转向,偏离的程度 ;Suddenly the steering wheel jerked in my hands and the car swerved violently to the right. △Suddenly的用法很灵活,可以用在动词的后面,也可以用在句首。 △这里的and连接了两个句子。 ;In the same instant I heard the dreaded bang of a blowout.;In the same instant同时,相同的瞬间 instant adj.立刻的,立即的,速食(溶)的 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 n.瞬间,片刻;dreaded (dread的过去分词) adj.令人畏惧的,可怕的 --dread (dreaded, dreaded) v.非常害怕,极为担心 (dread + doing sth. / that+从句) e.g. I dread being sick.我特别害怕生病。 I dread that we will lose the game. 我非常害怕我们会输掉比赛。 n.恐惧,令人惧怕的人或物;bang n.突然的巨响,碰撞 v.猛敲,砰的关上...,碰撞 blowout n.爆胎;In the same instant I heard the dreaded bang of a blowout. i


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