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;Passage A Think About It Read About It Talk About It Write About It;1. Do you know anything about the Great Recession at the beginning of 21st century? ;2. What impact does the Great Recession have on American families? ;3. What do you think is the most important for a family in a difficult time? ;Read About It Language Points Content Awareness Language Focus;;After getting our master’s degrees in business, Bill and I landed in Silicon Valley during the first wave of the technology boom. I worked in marketing and advertising. He found a job at a start-up that was soon bought by Cisco Systems. He stayed on and helped Cisco build its wireless-networking business. Then, finally he left to go to another start-up, this time as CEO. He managed to sell that company and take some time off. We had three young children, a nice house in Palo Alto, and a sense that it was all still ahead of us. We were living the American Dream. We traveled. We volunteered. We bought art. We were so busy accumulating, we didn’t notice that even our garage was filled to overflowing. That, it seemed, was how life was supposed to be. Bill soon joined Google to help it build a new business. He wouldn’t have the rush of working at a start-up, but that was OK; stability had its upside. He’d be home for dinner and could even coach the kids’ sports teams. Plus, he loved the energy and intelligence of his often much younger co-workers.;And then the Great Recession hit. We watched as friends, family and the country as a whole lost their jobs, their homes, their entire sense of stability. We thought we were immune. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube: wasn’t Silicon Valley on fire again? But the downturn hurt everyone, including high-flying technology companies. Google reorganized, and soon the job Bill was hired to do became less than exciting. He decided to take a risk and leave with no job in hand. I was anxious. Was he crazy? The world was imploding. And he wasn’t getting any younger. Sure, if you were a 20


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